Cascade Scepters – Joe George and Family

Joe George and his wife Rebecca are the owners of Cascade Scepters, sometime better known by the eBay seller name ScepterGuy. Joe has a thing for scepters, quartz crystals that have a slender enlongated crystal topped off with a larger crystal. These types of quartz crystals are not the most common, yet, you can find Joe mining for them in different parts of Western USA. From the monster sized black and citrine scepters of Peterson mountain, to the amethyst and glass clear quartz scepters of Washington state, Joe takes a break from mining to list items for sale on eBay and set up his crystal treasures at mineral shows such as Tucson and Denver.

We are all too happy with every dealing with Joe “ScepterGuy” George. You should check out his facebook and his eBay auctions can be found here and on this page
